Friday, January 17, 2014

miWorld Quiz Answerssssss!! c;

Helloooooooooooooo!! Starrie here again, with Week 1 miWorld Quiz Answers. I can't believe it's been a week and the queue still hasn't gone T-T Anyways, questions, followed by the answer are below!!

1. What is the name of the miWorld unitz in Woozworld?
Answer: miWorld's Sweet Factory

2. In the miWorld video what is the color of the Sweet Factory cash register?
Answer: Pink

3. How many different miWorld playsets are showed in the miWorld video?
Answer: 5

4. What retailer is displayed in the video for purchase of miWorld playsets?
Answer: Walmart

5. In the miWorld toys video, how many Claire's purple shopping bags can you see on the counter?
Answer: 2

6. True or False: You can connect all the miWorld stores to create a mall?
Answer: True

Although for these answers you don't need capitals, but numbers and punctuation must be inputed. For more information on these quizzes, click here.

Unexpected news update!! XD Apparently, Woozworld is now coming to iPad's, iPod Touch's and Android Tablets!! Click here to read more, since I can't be bothered to copy and paste.

   ~ Stargloss25


Bobblehead Bunny